operating modes, see promiscuous, learn and normal
options list, 118
+25V/+50 Vdc supplies, 139
4 outputs with dry contacts, 139
8-channel high drive, 126
four additional outputs, 121
four BNC connectors, 188
four fiber optic outputs, 124
low dc power supply, 120
NTP/PTP Server, 144
power system monitor, 131
universal power supply, 119
output signal
description, 76
panel drawing
password, configure, 152
PEM File, 151
position display modes, 26
power supply
programmable pulse
description, 78
pulse width, 78
with 200 V FET, 78
promiscuous mode, 24
rack mount ears
mounting instructions, 3
relay, 23, 24, 57, 63, 65, 75, 101, 110, 112
configure, front panel, 62
description, 9
front panel setup, 62
jumper selection table, 20
mainboard jumper location, 19
operation, 21, 83
rear panel, 6
solid state, 139
specifications, 83
warning for prog pulse usage, 63
cable, 16
command set, 87
self-signed certificate, 189
serial command
backlight off, 98
broadcast ABB, 92
broadcast ASCII + Quality, 90
broadcast ASCII Std, 88
broadcast custom, 102
broadcast Event Data, 89
broadcast Extended ASCII, 90
broadcast Kissimmee, 92
broadcast NMEA183 GLL, 91
broadcast NMEA183 ZDA, 91
broadcast Philippe, 92
broadcast Status/Fault, 89
broadcast strings, 88
broadcast Vorne Std, 88
broadcast Year + ASCII, 91
broadcast, interrogate, 88
clear event buffer, 93
custom string, return, 102
activate, 96
return settings, 96
start time, 97
stop time, 97
enable front panel, 97
channel time, 93
return deviation, 93
Event number, 93
front panel, disable control panel, 97
local offset, 97
lock setup keys, 97
out-of-lock alarm
set time, 101
prog pulse
pulse polarity, 100
set pulse width, 99
set time mark, 100
pulse per hour, 100
display buffer, 101
elevation, 98
firmware version, 101
IP/MAC address, 102
latitude, 98
local date, 99
local time, 99
longitude, 98
seconds per pulse, 100
set 1201B/C model, 101
set deviation operation, 93, 94
set event operation, 93