RS-232C Command Set
Vorne Standard
Desired Output: 44hhmmss
Input String Code: 44/h/m/s/r55/d/r11/U/r/T07
Input String Construction Notes: Note that the ordinary method of starting the Vorne Standard broadcast
is using the B2 or O2 command as described on page 88. This input string code begins with the characters
“44”; note that these are printed as that and are not preceded by a “/”. “h”, “m” and “s” follow and include
a “r” for carriage-return, line-feed. “55” immediately follows the “r”, then a “d” for Julian day, followed
by another “r”. “11” immediately follows the “r”, followed by a “U” for unlock time and “r” for another
carriage-return, line-feed. Lastly, the “T07” specifies the on time character as the Hex 07, which sounds the
BEL in the machine. Note that the “44”, “55” and the “11” are not preceded by a “/” since they are printed
as characters.
Desired Output: ddd:hh:mm:ss I=nn:nn X=nn:nn
Input String Code: /[02?/d:/h:/m:/s /S01/r/:/]
Input String Construction Notes: Note that the ordinary method of starting the Status broadcast is using
the B4 or O4 command as described on page 89. This string begins with a true/false conditional 02, which
is a change of status. Since it is a part of the Table 11.6 character set, it must be preceded by the “/”. After
the “?”, appears the Julian day, hours, minutes and seconds that indicate the day and time that the status
changed. After the “s” (seconds) is an intentional space as shown in the input string code. After the space
is the intended “/” and “S01”, which indicates a status change string type of “01”. The “/:” separates the
“or” of the “true or false” conditions, only in this case there is no specified false condition.
Desired Output:
Q yy ddd hh:mm:ss.000
Input String Code: /T0D/H0A/[03? /:?/] /y /d:/h:/m:/s.000
Input String Construction Notes: Note that the ordinary method of starting the Ext. ASCII broadcast is
using the B5 or O5 command as described on page 90. “T0D” sets the on time mark as a carriage return, and
“H0A” is line feed. Immediately following is a “03”, which is a “locked with maximum accuracy” conditional.
This is followed by a space, which indicates that the clock is locked with maximum accuracy. If the condition
is false, then it prints a “?”. The “/:” separates the true/false outputs. Outside the conditional statement
are the normal values that are broadcast at the chosen rate. “y”, “d”, “h”, “m” and “s” are the two-digit
year, Julian day, hours, minutes, seconds, followed by three fractional second digits and three spaces.
ASCII + Quality
Desired Output:
Input String Code: /T01/d:/h:/m:/s/
01? /:./:
Input String Constructions Notes: Note that the ordinary method of starting the ASCII + Quality broadcast
is using the B6 or O6 command as described on page 90. This string is very similar to the Standard ASCII
described earlier appended with a quality indicator, “Q”. All of the notes under ASCII Standard apply,
except that “Q” is an ordinal. The ordinal will produce all of the necessary time quality values passed
on by the clock. The ordinal begins with a “
” and ends with a “
”. “01” is the selected (time quality)
value governing the output character. Ordinals are a sequence conditional, meaning that you have values