34 DECADE user manual, edition 9
Fig. 8. The clean signal from the integrator output (A) is smoothened by integrator software using a
running average filtering (C). This results in a similar chromatogram as obtained from the recorder
output using a rise time filter of 1 s (B).
A maximum offset of +50% and - 50% in 10% steps can be achieved, active
on both the integrator and the recorder output. On the recorder output the
offset is given as the percentage of the recorder range setting. For example, a
20% offset at 5.0 nA full scale setting will give a 1.0 nA offset. This is a 200
mV offset when the maximum recorder output is 1.0 Volt.
For the integrator output the situation is more complicated because the offset
percentage relates to the recorder range setting. The integrator offset (in mV)
is given in Table V for a 10 V integrator output.
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