CHAPTER 9 Error messages
C H A P T E R 9
Error messages
Error Message
Error 1
Current overload, maximum c maximum
compensation has been exceeded. Advise: use less sensitive
range in ‘Range select’ screen.
Error 2
A ROM failure has been detected. Please contact supplier.
Error 3
A RAM failure has been detected. Please contact supplier.
Error 4
The system cannot detect the cell controller board. Please
contact supplier.
Error 5
The system cannot detect the I/O board. Please contact
Error 6
The dipswitches on the I/O board have been wrongly set.
Please contact supplier.
Error 7
A critical failure has been detected. False data have been
written in RAM. Please contact supplier.
Recorder output is either above +1.0 V or under -1.0 V.
Pressing ‘A-ZERO’ may give an adequate read-out again. If
the message ‘ERROR 1’ is displayed, immediately after
pressing ‘A-ZERO’, the auto zero function is unable to
compensate for the offset and is out of the recorder range.
Advise: use less sensitive range in ‘Range select’ screen
(see also ‘
Saturation of output’ page 74).
In pulse mode: charging current out of range. Pressing ‘A-
ZERO’ may give an adequate read-out again. If not, it is
advisable to change the pulse settings (larger t1) or to use a
less sensitive range.
Dipswitch settings I/O board
switch comment
1-1 electrically
injector present absent
present absent
1-3 not
1-4 not
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