66 DECADE user manual, edition 9
Fig. 30. Chromatogram of the analyte plug obtained in the DC mode.
Scanning takes place on top of the broad peak between 0.5 and 2.5 min after
injection in FIA mode.
5. The sampling frequency of the integrator is set at 1 Hz. This is the same
frequency as the voltage steps during the scan. If a higher sampling
frequency is chosen a typical stepwise pattern may appear.
6. In the ‘SCAN SET’ screen an upper and a lower potential is chosen. The
cycle is set at half. The range is set at 5 µA. A scan speed of 10 mV/s is
selected. The integrator (or recorder) must be connected to the REC
output of the DECADE.
7. The analyte is injected and the scan is started by pressing the ‘START’ in
the ‘SCAN STAT’ screen of the DECADE at the time the analyte plug
enters the flow cell (see 4).
8. A background scan is obtained by scanning the HPLC buffer.
9. For reliable results it is recommended to repeat each scan three times.
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