60 DECADE user manual, edition 9
electrons are transferred at the WE resulting in an electrical current that is
amplified by the controller.
Hydrodynamic and scanning voltammogram
voltammogram is constructed when the pure analyte is not
available and separation over an analytical column is required. Furthermore,
under real chromatographic conditions reliable information about the S/N ratio
is obtained
In case of metal working electrodes it is also advisable to use a
voltammogram. On the metal working electrode an oxide layer is formed
which affects the electrochemical reaction and makes the interpretation of a
scanning voltammogram difficult.
Fig. 23. Hydrodynamic voltammogram of nor epinephrine (A) at a glassy
carbon working electrode, and the current of the baseline (B). At E
electrochemical signal becomes diffusion limited.
An alternative for the chromatographic construction of an I/E relationship is
the application of scanning voltammetry. The working potential runs between
two pre-set values and the current is measured while the analyte is
continuously flushed through the flow cell.
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