CHAPTER 6 Pulsed amperometric detection
C H A P T E R 6
Pulsed amperometric detection
Several advanced features are implemented in the DECADE. One of these
features is the so-called pulse mode. In pulsed amperometric detection (PAD)
the working electrode (WE) is regenerated at a frequency of 0.5 - 3 Hz by the
application of a series of potential changes. This is particularly useful for
certain applications where the working electrode is rapidly fouled due to
adsorption of insoluble reaction products. A well-known application area of
PAD is the analysis of carbohydrates (Fig. 17) [1].
Fig. 17. Pulsed amperometric detection of 100 nmol/l (2 pmol) carbohydrates.
Peaks are: sucrose (1), galactose (2), glucose (3), a-lactose (4) and maltose
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