16 DECADE user manual, edition 9
If the ISAAC reference electrode is used, add 2 mmole/l chloride ions
(e.g. KCl or NaCL) to the mobile phase. Equilibrate HPLC and continue
12. Before connecting a new column read the manufacturer’s instructions.
Pre-conditioning of the column may be necessary. A pre-conditioned
column is electrochemically clean. If not, the background current may be
unacceptably high. For
reversed phase
columns flushing with methanol
for 3 days at a low flow rate is recommended.
13. Passage or entrapment of air bubbles in the flow cell will lead to
unacceptable noise levels. Therefore, the use of an in-line degasser in
the LC system is recommended. In our experience, a one-time degassing
step of the HPLC buffer usually is not sufficient.
14. If the detector is used for reductive ECD (at a negative working potential)
additional steps should be taken to remove oxygen from the mobile
phase. These include degassing with Helium and the use of stainless
steel tubing (impermeable for oxygen).
15. Install the flow cell as described in the flow cell manual.
Never switch ON the flow cell when:
- the cell cable is not correctly connected
- the cell is only partly (or not at all) filled with buffer
- the cell is wet outside, particularly the part between the auxiliary and
working electrode connection
because substantial damage to the working electrode or electronics
may occur.
16. Before switching ON the flow cell, make sure that the buffer is containing
electrolyte (buffer ions). If the cell is switched ON with only water or
methanol in the mobile phase, a stable baseline will not be obtained. Also
make sure that no air bubbles are trapped in the flow cell.
17. The outlet tubing from the flow cell should lead to a reservoir that is at a
higher level than the flow cell. This ensures a small back pressure which
prevents air-bubble entrapment. The outlet tubing should be
liquid level, to avoid noise by dripping.
18. Set the cell potential, switch ON the flow cell (see page 19) and allow the
system to stabilise for approximately 30 min.
19. Connect the data system to the integrator or recorder output (see page
Your system is now ready for use.
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