CHAPTER 5 AUTO mode and time files
required between ‘COMMON’ and ‘START’ to start a time file. Consult
your autosampler manual for details on connecting the external contact
to a relay.
Connect relay 1 to ‘RESET’ and common as shown in Fig. 13A. From
DECADE software version 3.00 and higher: a RESET is not required
between runs, this input has been inactivated (Fig. 13B).
Connect your integrator to the REC output at the rear panel of the
Fig. 13. Input contacts needed for external control of the DECADE (slave
mode) A: until DECADE software version 3.00 and B: from version 3.00 and
higher .
Prepare the LC-EC system for analysis.
Programming the AUTO mode:
The programming of the time file is done in the same way as described for the
master mode. In the following steps the differences with the master mode are
In the ‘AUTO SET’ screen choose ‘Decade = Slave’. The number of
cycles is controlled by the autosampler, in the DECADE ‘Cy’ is
automatically set at 1 and can not be changed.
Choose ‘PRGR’ to go in the edit mode of the time file and continue
programming the time file as described above.
For DECADE software
version 3.00 and higher a RESET command is no longer required:
continue with the next step.
Up to software 3.00: for continuous operation in the AUTO mode a
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