13. Auto-Tare Function
The FG-CWP has an auto-tare function, used together with the comparator function, that
enables masses within a certain range (OK) to be weighed in succession as the scale
automatically tares. First place a container on the weighing pan. Press the TARE key to
zero the display once the container is weighed. Gradually place or take away objects until
the comparison result shows OK. When the result shows OK and the measurement stable
time set for the function table item
has elapsed, the scale will automatically tare the weighed value and return to zero,
indicating it is ready for the next weighing. Repeat this process to compare weights.
In order to use the auto-tare function, function tables must be configured as follows.
(Refer to
Cp 1
Compare regardless of stability of weighed value (other settings may be
used depending on the application).
at 1
Enable auto-tare function.
at-t 0
Condition for taring automatically (Select according to the content and
method of work in order to eliminate incorrect operations, such as instantly
judging to be OK and starting taring even though actual mass is not OK,
and to eliminate excessively long wait times.)
Take-away check weighing
Cp-p 1
This is a method of comparing against negative mass values.
After a container with
objects in it is placed on the weighing pan and tared, take objects away while staying in
the OK range to compare masses.
The same operation is also possible in the ordinary method of comparing, but comparison
results start from HI, changing from HI to OK to LO as more objects are taken away. With
this setting, comparison results are shown in the order LO to OK to HI (negative
comparison) as objects are taken away in order to make this easier to understand
intuitively. Set to
Cp-p 1
along with
at 1
for the auto-tare function.
In this setting, both positive and negative values can be set for LO and HI values, ignoring
polarity. The comparison results are as shown in the table below.
When function table
at-f 1
(automatically tare initial load) is set.
To start the auto-tare function, a container filled with objects needs to be placed on the
weighing pan and its weighied value tared using the TARE key.
By setting
at-f 1
the mass of the container placed on the scale after confirming zero is automatically tared.
After weighing then removing everything placed on the weighing pan, the scale returns to
the zero point and the tare weight is automatically cleared.
If the scale does not return to
the zero point, the tare weight can be cleared by setting it to zero with the ZERO key.
limit value
limit value
Net 0