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In the above screen:
Output 1 and 2 are a pair – creating a polarity reversal output (2 wire dual strobes)
Output 3 and 4 are a pair
Output 5 single output
Output 6 single output
Output 7 single output
Output 8 single output
The following explains the content of the screen
Display the previous module in the node
Display the next module in the node
Figu4re 6-13 Multi-purpose output card status
Above is the module type “MOC”, location – Node 1, Rack 1, Slot 3, Software version 01.00.06, hardware
version 15.15.255 and status is in Fault.
Figure 6-14 Output status
There is a record for each of the outputs, showing the output type as analogue, allocated zone number,
description, state and status.
6.3.5 Quad radial EIS line card
The Quad radial EIS line card supports 4 handsets with each handset supporting an input (which is normally
interfaced to an MCP), refer to section The default status screen for the Quad radial EIS line card
shows the modules status and the status of the 4 handsets as follows: