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Master emergency control panel (MECP)
- a specially designated emergency control panel (ECP)
that on manual operation of its key switch, takes full control of the emergency warning and
intercommunication system, and overrides all other ECP’s in the building.
Power Supply
- that portion of the control and indicating equipment (CIE) which supplies all voltages
necessary for operation of the CIE.
Regulatory Authority
- an authority administering Acts of Parliament or Regulations under such Acts.
Remote auxiliary supply
- power supply DC24VDC max from a remote source.
Verbal address
- the mode of operation whereby verbal instruction is given from the controlling
emergency control panel (ECP) to the building occupants via the loud speaker systems.
Warden intercommunication point (WIP)
- the location on a floor or evacuation zone, where
equipment is provided through which instructions can be received from the controlling emergency
control panel (ECP) via the emergency intercommunication system.
Zone (floor) warden
- a person who, during an emergency, assumes control over a particular floor or
evacuation zone under the direction of the house warden.