This NEW Restaurant Systems Manual carries a new part number, 20150, for it
is a combining of the two previous manuals, KP Manual PN 12385 rev. “A” and ZD
Manual PN 16640. The combining of the two manuals does not eliminate any of the
limitations of system requirements of the original two manuals, but strives to organize
the information into a comprehensive order with additional informative information for
greater clarity and understanding.
Some of the changes you will notice in the new manual are made to reduce cost
of inventory, printing, manufacturing, ordering and returns. The first item you will notice
is the change in nomenclature,
375 or
375 Agent Cylinder Assemblies are now
referred to as a
375 Agent Cylinder Assemble. Now there is only one part
number per
of Agent Cylinder Assembly. No longer do you have to order a
different part number for a
Agent Cylinder Assembly nor do you have to stock
two cylinders the same size simply because one is for a
system and one is for a
Closer examination of the new manual will reveal that the original configured
MRM required that you purchase a MRM and an enclosure (painted or stainless steel)
separately. The new MRM II is supplied pre-installed in an enclosure (painted or
stainless steel) ready to mount on the wall. The new MRM II incorporates the use of a
new ratcheting take up for the automatic detection line. The original MRM used a
manual take up method for the cable tensioning and was part number 11977. The
original MRM version is no longer in production, however if a replacement for an
existing unit is needed or if you are ordering a “Cabinet” enclosure (PN 11978) you can
still order part number 11977 as a replacement or to use in the “Cabinet” enclosure.
The part number now supplies a MRM II unit without the enclosure, but with the new
ratcheting take up. It is 100% interchangeable with the original MRM.
The new manual will still contain service and maintenance instructions for the
original style MRM. Anytime you see a heading that says MRM, it is referring to the
original style unit. If the information is good for both style units it will say MRM / MRM II.
The following arrangement, MRM / MRM II / PRM, indicates that the information is good
for all three units.
Due to the combining of the two manuals the following substitutions should be
used as follows:
KP Manual PN 12385 is superseded by Restaurant Manual PN 20150
ZD Manual PN 16640 is superseded by Restaurant Manual PN 20150
ZD 275 Agent Cyl. Asy. PN 17102 is superseded by Model 275 Agent Cyl. Asy PN 16921
ZD 375 Agent Cyl. Asy. PN 16650 is superseded by Model 375 Agent Cyl. Asy PN 13334
ZD 475 Agent Cyl. Asy. PN 17474 is superseded by Model 475 Agent Cyl. Asy PN 17397
KP/ZD 375 Mounting Bracket PN 16085 is superseded by 375 Mounting Bracket PN 17690