: Clicking this button opens a screen that allows for recording periods to be set
for each day and for each recording type. There are a total of 6 periods that can be
To reset to default settings, click the Reset Defaults button. To refresh the page, click the
Refresh button. To save the settings, click the Save button. Snapshot Schedule
This tab is where snapshot recording settings are configured. Below is a screenshot of the
Snapshot Schedule settings screen:
Below is an explanation of the fields on the Snapshot Schedule settings tab:
Record Type
: These checkboxes allow the user to select which snapshot type they
want to configure on the schedule. There are 3 types of snapshots:
: General means that the camera will take snapshots during the
specified time period. General recording is represented by the color green.
: Motion Detection means that the camera only takes snapshots
when the motion detection alarm is activated. Motion recording is
represented by the color yellow.
: Alarm means that the camera only takes snapshots when an alarm is
activated. Alarm recording is represented by the color red.
Snapshot Recording Schedule
: To specify a snapshot range, first select the type of
snapshot desired, then click and drag on time bar for the desired date. To edit
multiple days at once, drag the cursor further up or down to cover the other days.
: Clicking this button opens a screen that allows for snapshot periods to
be set for each day and for each snapshot type. There are a total of 6 periods
that can be set.