10. Click the Save button.
11. Using the left hand menu, go to the Connection menu, and write
down the TCP, UDP, and HTTP port number. It is recommended to ensure
that these port numbers are at least 5 digits long to prevent any port
conflicts. If need be, change each of these port numbers to a 5-digit
number that is less than 65535, note the numbers down, and click save
before proceeding to the next step.
12. Go to
and check to ensure
each of the port numbers specified in step 10 is open.
13. Write down the manufacturer name, brand, and model
name for the router that the camera is connected to, and then
proceed to
on your web browser.
14. Open the port forwarding guide section on the left hand side
15. Find the router brand name in the list and click it.
16. Find the router model number and click it.
17. Click the Default Guide link near the middle of the page.
18. This guide will help you take the step necessary to port
forward on the router. Follow these steps, and then return to the
19. Login to your camera, open the main menu then go to Setup
-> Network.
20. Click the DDNS menu item on the left hand menu, pick
Amcrest DDNS from the drop down box, click the checkbox next
to Server Type, and then click the Save button on the bottom
21.To set a custom DDNS name, fill out the Domain Name field
and click Save.
22. Write down the entire Domain Name field, including the
white text that says.amcrestddns.com
23. Open a web browser and enter in the DDNS domain name
address from step 21, enter in a colon, then type the HTTP port
number from step 10 on to the end.
For example, if the DDNS domain name is
http://abc123456789.amcrestddns.com and your HTTP Port is
33333, the URL would be
24. Enter in login details into the username and password fields
and click login.