The arrows on the PTZ control panel allow the user to move the camera’s
position in a specific direction. The button in the middle of the direction
arrow allows the user to select an area in the live view to zoom in on. The
speed dropdown box allows the user to control the speed at which the
camera moves. The values range from 1 to 8, 8 being the fastest.
The zoom, focus, and iris buttons allow the user to digitally zoom in and
out, focus, and just the camera’s image on the live screen.
To reset to default settings, click the Reset Defaults button. To refresh the
page, click the Refresh button. To save the settings, click the Save button.
5.8. Event
This menu section allows the user to change different settings for triggering events.
5.8.1 Video Detection
The video detection menu has two tabs: Motion Detect and Video Tamper. Motion Detect
This tab allows the user to modify motion detection settings. Below is a screenshot of the Motion
Detect tab: