Go To
to have to have the camera position itself to the
entered values.
5.3 Playback
The Playback tab allows the user to playback the camera’s recorded
video. Below is a screenshot of the Playback tab:
This is the interface for the playback menu. There are 7 main sections:
Quick Actions
: This panel allows the user to zoom in on playback
footage, take a snapshot of the playback footage, or open the help
File Menu
: This panel allows the user to select a file type and data
: This panel allows the user to pick a date that they would like
to playback video from. When a date has recorded footage available,
it’s green. The current date is blue, unless it has recorded footage, then
it’s a lighter g
File List
: This button opens a file list of all recorded video for a specific
date range. From here, the user can download these videos to their PC.
Trim Panel
: This panel allows the user to trim playback video for
download. By specifying time stamps, the user can trim down.
Recorded Video Panel
: This panel allows the user to specify what type
of video they would like to playback and it also allows the user to select