To use this feature, users will need to setup an account with a DDNS service. The camera
supports a variety of DDNS services such as AmcrestDDNS, NO-IP DDNS, CN99 DDNS, and
Dyndns DDNS. Based on which service is selected, different options may show on this
screen. For purposes of this guide, AmcrestDDNS will be used. AmcrestDDNS is a free
DDNS service provided by Amcrest, and it must be renewed every year. A renewal
reminder email will be sent to the email entered in the username field below.
Below is a screenshot of the DDNS settings screen, configured to AmcrestDDNS:
To reset to default settings, click the Reset Defaults button. To refresh the page, click the
Refresh button. To save the settings, click the Save button.
5.6.5. IP Filter
This screen allows for the filtering of IP addresses, either blocking them, or granting them
access to the camera. This feature helps make the camera more secure by limiting remote
access only to approved users. Below is a screenshot of the IP Filter screen:
Below is an explanation of fields on the IP Filter settings screen:
Trusted Sites
: This checkbox allows the user to enable the IP Filter feature for trusted