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Networked Indexer/Driver User Manual
Input Data Format (continued)
STATUS_word0 Format (continued)
Bit 11: Input_Error –
“1” when:
Emergency Stop input has been activated
Either of the End Limit Switches activates during any move operation except for homing
Starting a Jog Move in the same direction as an active End Limit Switch
If the opposite End Limit Switch is reached during a homing operation.
A SyncManager 2 timeout event has occurred. This is indicative of a networking error that
occurred during the EtherCAT Pre-OP or OP states.
This bit is reset by a
command. The format of the command is given on page 77.
Bit 10: Position_Invalid –
“1” when:
A configuration change is written to the unit through the C0E SDO interface.
The motor position has not been preset
The machine has not been homed
An Immediate or Emergency Stop has occurred
An End Limit Switch has been reached
A motor stall has been detected.
Absolute moves cannot be performed while the position is invalid.
Bit 9:
Waiting_For_Assembled_Segment –
The Networked Driver sets this bit to tell the host that it is
ready to accept the data for the next segment of your assembled move profile. Its use is explained in
section of this manual starting on page 35.
Bit 8:
In_Assembled_Mode –
The Networked Driver sets this bit to signal the host that it is ready to
accept assembled move profile programming data. Its use is explained in the
section of this manual starting on page 35.
Bit 7: Move_Complete –
Set to “1” when the present Absolute, Relative, Jog, Registration, or Assembled
Move command completes without error. This bit is reset to “0” when the next move command is
written to the Networked Driver, when the position is preset, or a Reset Errors command is issued to
the unit. This bit is also set along with the Command_Error bit (Bit 12 of this word), when any Jog
Move or Registration Move parameters are outside of their valid ranges. This bit is not set on a com-
mand error for any other type of command. Finally, this bit is not set at the end of a homing opera-
Bit 6: Decelerating –
Set to “1” when the present move is decelerating. Set to “0” at all other times.
Bit 5: Accelerating –
Set to “1” when the present move is accelerating. Set to “0” at all other times.
Bit 4: At_Home –
Set to “1” when a homing command has completed successfully, “0” at all other times.
Bit 3: Stopped –
Set to “1” when the motor is not in motion. Note that this is stopped for any reason, not
just a completed move. For example, an Immediate Stop command during a move will set this bit to
“1”, but the Move_Complete Bit, (bit 7 above) will not be set.
Bit 2: In_Hold_State –
Set to “1” when a move command has been successfully brought into a Hold State.
Hold States are explained is the Controlling Moves In Progress section starting on page 22.
Bit 1: Moving_CCW –
Set to “1” when the motor is rotating in a counter-clockwise direction.
Bit 0: Moving_CW –
Set to “1” when the motor is rotating in a clockwise direction.