4 Logging Into CallQ Agent
To log into CallQ Agent, click Start, Programs, Amanda Portal Clients, and
“CallQ Agent” . You’ll see a screen like that shown in
Figure 4
. The fields in this
dialog are:
Remote Address
Enter the hostname or IP address of your Amanda Portal server PC.
Normally, it’s Amandaserver (as shown in
Figure 4
) .
Agent Number
Enter your mailbox number here.
Security Code
Enter your mailbox password (security code) here.
Remember Security Code
If you would like “CallQ Agent” to remember your security code for
future logons, check this box and you won’t have to provide your
security code in the future. This makes the logon process easier
but less secure.
Figure 4: Logging into CallQ Agent
Once you’ve filled in the correct remote address, agent number (i.e. mailbox
number) and security code, click OK to logon. Once you’re logged on, you’ll have
access to the “Queue” menu.