Caller ID This shows the telephone number for the call holding in queue. If the
telephone system that Amanda Portal is connected to can pass ANI or
Caller ID information to Amanda, it will be displayed in this column
along with the call. If your telephone system doesn’t support Caller ID,
you can remove this column from the “Display Settings. . . ”.
Port # Shows the Amanda port the call came into the queue on.
Waiting This is the amount of time that the caller has been waiting to be
connected to an agent. Once connected, the value stops incrementing but
it remains to show how long that caller had to wait.
With Agent This counter will initially be zero. Once the call is connected to an
agent, it will begin counting up to show the length of time that the call
has been with that agent.
Preferred Agent With custom programming it’s possible to designate that a
particular caller, based on their Caller ID, should be directed to a
particular agent. This feature might be used, for instance, if the agent
had been working with that particular customer earlier on a problem. If
the customer calls back, it’s preferable for him to speak with the same
agent rather than have to start over again with a different agent in
solving the problem.
Callback This field will contain “Yes” or “No” depending on whether this call
represents a callback request. Through custom programming, Amanda
can be configured to allow callers to hang up while still retaining their
position in the queue. When they do so, their queue “object” enters the
“callback” state and it retains the phone number at which to call them.
When the callback object reaches the top of the queue, Amanda will first
call the selected agent, then automatically call the original caller and
connect the two parties.
Once an agent attaches to a queue, the Queue menu will change to allow the
agent to select queue and display settings, which are described below: