Ave Handling
The average talk time plus the average
wrapup time.
Calls: Incoming
Calls, Agents:
Specific Agent Stats,
Agents: All Q
Specific Agent Stats,
Agents: All Agent
Ave Lost Delay
The average lost call delay based on the
total delay time of lost calls divided by
the total number of lost calls.
Calls: Lost Calls
Ave Talk Time
The average talk time per call based on
the specified time period and number of
connected calls. The average talk time is
equal to the total talk time divided by the
number of connected calls for that period
of time.
Calls: Incoming
Calls, Agents:
Specific Agent Stats,
Agents: All Q
Specific Agent Stats,
Agents: All Agent
Ave Wrapup
The average wrapup time. If wrapup
comments are not enabled, the average
wrapup time will be 0 minutes (i.e. no
additional wrapup time is added).
Calls: Incoming
Calls, Agents:
Specific Agent Stats,
Agents: All Q
Specific Agent Stats,
Agents: All Agent
The number of times agents were busy.
Agents: Agent Need
Calls Handled
Total number of calls taken over the
entire reporting period.
Agents: Specific
Agent Stats, Agents:
All Q Specific Agent
Stats, Agents: All
Agent Stats
Caller ID
A caller id number is required when
running a caller id report. When running
this type of report you must specify a
telephone number to report on.
Agents: Specific
Agent Actions, Call
List: Specific Agent,
Call List: All Agents,
Call List: Dropped
Check Call Time
The time it takes after you wrapup to
determine if you’re going available,
waiting for a new call or being assigned
an existing call.
Agents: Specific
Agent Stats, Agents:
All Q Specific Agent
Shows the Wrapup comments entered by
an agent. Wrapup comments must be
enabled to use this feature.
Call List: Specific
Agent, Call List: All
Agents, Call List:
Dropped Calls
Additional information relating to which
queue a given action occurred for.
Agents: Specific
Agent Actions
Shows how long the caller held in queue
before being answered by an agent.
Caller ID, Call List:
Specific Agent, Call
List: All Agents, Call
List: Dropped Calls
Dialed Out
The number of callers who dialed out of
the queue before being answered by an
Calls: Lost Calls