Figure 10: Comfort Messages Dialog Box
5.4 Call Time Limits. . .
After a call has held in queue for a certain period of time (specified in minutes),
the background color of that call holding can be changed, by setting a call time
limit. A typical scenario would be to use a stop light approach to calls holding
in queue. Initially, when the call is queued, the background of the text of the
call holding is black text on a white background. After n minutes where n is
defined by queue call times, the background color of that call can be changed to
one of eight different colors. Using the stop light approach, the call would
change to green, yellow, and then red after the caller has been holding for x, y,
and z minutes, where x might be 1 minute, y might be 3 minutes, and 5
minutes. Figure 11 shows the queue call times dialog used to enable call time
Figure 11: Queue Call Times Dialog