Max Lost Delay
The longest amount of time a caller
waited to be answered before deciding to
hangup before being answered by an
Calls: Lost Calls,
Max Duration
Shows the highest call duration for the
specified time period.
Calls: Call Duration
Max in Queue
Shows the highest number of calls
holding in queue at the same time for the
given time period.
Calls: Incoming
No Agent Skills
The number of times callers attempted to
enter the queue with no agents available,
or are in queue when there are no agents
available with the required skills (when
agents with those skills leave the queue).
Calls: Lost Calls
Number Calls
The total number of calls that entered
the queue for the given time period.
Calls: Call Duration
The total number of calls that entered
the queue for the specified time period
(summarized by hour, day, day of week,
day of month, week or month).
Calls: Incoming
Calls, Calls: Lost
Productivity %
A percentage of the amount of time being
in any other state other than unavailable.
If your unavailable time is high then
productivity will be low.
Agents: Specific
Agent Stats, Agents:
All Q Specific Agent
Stats, Agents: All
Agent Stats
Shows which queue an agent attached to
or from.
Agents: Specific
Agent Actions
Queue Full
The number of times the maximum
number of allowed calls were in the
queue at once. This parameter only
applies when you limit the number of
calls that can hold in queue at the same
Calls: Lost Calls
Talk Time
Shows how long the agent spoke to the
caller for that call.
Caller ID, Call List:
Specific Agent, Call
List: All Agents
Each report can be summarized by hour,
day, day of week, day of month, or
month. When the report is summarized
by hour, the hours are shown using
military time.
Calls: Incoming
Calls, Calls: Call
Duration, Calls:
Lost Calls, Caller ID,
Agents: Specific
Agent Stats, Agents:
Specific Agent
Actions, Agents: All
Q Specific Agent
Stats, Agents: Agent
Need, Call List:
Specific Agent, Call
List: All Agents, Call
List: Dropped Calls
Timed Out
The number of calls who held in queue
Calls: Lost Calls