Dropped Calls
The number of times that the agent was
in the Available state and was presented
with a call that the agent did not answer.
Agents: Specific
Agent Stats, Agents:
All Q Specific Agent
Stats, Agents: All
Agent Stats
Entered Rate
The number of calls that entered the
queue per hour.
Agents: Agent Need
The number of calls that hung-up before
holding for the minimum lost duration.
Callers who hold longer than the
minimum lost seconds and hangup prior
to being connected to an agent or dial out
of the queue are considered lost calls.
Calls: Incoming
Calls, Calls: Lost
The number of times an agent put a call
on hold. This only applies to system
using MSI cards.
Agents: Specific
Agent Stats, Agents:
All Q Specific Agent
Hold Time
The total elapsed time that calls were
placed on hold.
Agents: Specific
Agent Stats, Agents:
All Q Specific Agent
Each time the caller had dialed into the
queue will be represented by a unique
instance. The information following the
instance pertains only to that particular
instance (i.e. 0 is the first time they
called, 1 is the second, etc.).
Caller ID, Agents:
Specific Agent
Actions, Call List:
Specific Agent, Call
List: All Agents, Call
List: Dropped Calls
Login Time
The cumulative time an agent was logged
into the call queue.
Agents: Specific
Agent Stats, Agents:
All Q Specific Agent
Stats, Agents: All
Agent Stats
The percentage of calls that were lost
based on the total number of calls
Calls: Lost Calls
Lost Calls
The total number of calls that hung-up
or dialed out of the queue prior to being
connected to an agent, but who held for
longer then the minimum lost duration.
Calls: Lost Calls
The number of calls that hung-up after
the early hangup period. Callers that
hang-up prior to the early hangup period
are not counted as real calls.
Calls: Incoming
Max Delay
The maximum delay shows the longest
time a caller waited to be answered by an
agent of the queue for the given time
Calls: Incoming