Turn the key clockwise to the ON position. The
display will light up, giving you information about the
state of charge, map selection, and total mileage. You
may also hear the coolant pump power up and begin
to circulate coolant through the frame.
Set the red RUN-STOP switch to RUN.
With the throttle fully closed, press the START
button. The throttle is now live!
The Redshift is now LIVE, and the perimeter of the
display panel will pulse green to indicate live throttle.
This pulsing will stop once you are moving, and will
resume when you come to a stop.
The Redshift has no clutch and makes almost no
noise when stationary. Once you twist the throttle,
the bike will respond immediately. It’s a smart
practice to always cycle the RUN-STOP switch to
deactivate the throttle after a ride, for an emergency
stop, or any time when you’re stopping for more than
NEVER lEaVE thE bikE sittiNg with a liVE thRottlE!!!
If the HV battery is below freezing temperature, it
will refuse to charge, and drive power will be
reduced. Capacity (driving range) will also be
reduced at low temperature.
Over-discharge may result in permanent damage to the
HV battery, and replacement may be necessary. The HV
battery has a gradual self-discharge rate, and will lose
charge if left unused for long periods of time. Do not
leave the HV battery below 10% charge for more than
one week, or below 25% for more than one month.
When storing the HV battery, charge it to 40-60% (or
higher) and check it monthly, recharging if needed.
The HV battery will gradually lose capacity with time
and use, just like any rechargeable battery. The rate of
capacity loss depends on how the pack is used, but
lower sustained temperatures and lower power draw
(less aggressive riding, especially at highway speeds)
will prolong battery life.
There is no specific point at which the HV battery
needs to be replaced. The capacity (range) and
available power will simply continue to decrease.
Contact your Alta dealer for proper disposal and
replacement of your HV battery.
The regenerative braking system applies a braking
torque at the rear wheel to add charge back into the
HV battery; the amount of “regen” applied varies with
throttle position and throttle map. This system is not
connected to the vehicle’s hydraulic braking system or
brake levers in any way, and should not be depended
on to stop the vehicle in an emergency. When the HV
battery is full, regen will be automatically reduced to
prevent overcharge.