Reference LED flashes.
The selected system reference is not
present or the AI -2 can not lock to it. Make
sure that the correct reference source is
selected in the reference menu. Check that
the reference signal is connected.
Non Std LED flashes.
System messages have been placed in the
AI -2 message stack. Press the STORE key
to view the first message, if the LED
continues to flash, there is more than one
message, press the STORE key until all the
messages have been read. Check the
appendix for a list of system messages and
the probable cause, take corrective action if
Time code numbers do not agree.
Make sure you have selected the correct
time code rate and format on the AI-2. The
ADAT transport front panel tape counter is
designed to run in "real" time at a sample
rate of 48 KHz. If a code rate/type
combination is selected that does not show
real time, for example 29.97/30 or a
different sample rate is selected then there
will be differences between the displays.
ADAT program material drifts.
All the transports in the system are not
locked to a common reference. Make sure
that the reference source selected for the
AI -2 is also controlling the speed of the
other transports. The wrong AI-2 sample
rate has been selected. Check the sample
rate setting in the reference menu is correct.
No MTC output.
Check that MTC is set on in the MIDI menu.
The LTC Gen must also be set on for the
AI -2 to generate MTC. Set the generator
mode to play or play, wind in the reference
menu. If MTC is required when the ADATs
are in stop, set the generator still mode on.
ADAT Tracks do not go into record.
Check the tracks menu and set All Safe off.
If using an editor, make sure that the track
mapping is correctly assigned.
Lynx Module Serial error.
Early versions of TimeLine software, had a
short serial communications time out value.
Contact your TimeLine dealer for a current
software version.
ADAT version error message , when AI-2
put Online.
The AI-2 has detected an early version of
ADAT software. The AI-2 will perform
optimally with ADAT software version V3.05
and above. Contact Alesis to obtain a
current software version.