The AI-2 reference connections are used to connect an external
speed reference. Connectors are provided for time code, word
clock and video signals. These signals are used to control the
speed the ADAT machines will run at when in Play.
The RDR IN connector is a 1/4" TRS jack. The reader input is
differential with an input impedance >10k ohms and an input range
of -20 to +10 dBm. Connect a Longitudinal Time Code (LTC) feed
to this input when it is required to resolve the speed of the system
to time code or use the AI-2 as a time code chase synchronizer for
the ADATs.
2.2B W/C IN
The W/C IN connector is a female BNC socket. The word clock
input is 5 volt TTL. Connect a word clock reference source to this
input when it is required to resolve the speed of the system to an
external digital sample rate signal (word clock). The AI-2 word
clock input range is greater than the ADAT control range of 40.363-
50.854 KHz. Input signals with a 50% duty cycle are
The VID IN connector is a female BNC socket. The video input is
single ended with an input impedance >2k ohms and an input signal
range of 0.5-8.0 Vpp. Connect a video signal to this input when it is
required to resolve the speed of the system to video sync. The
video input will accept properly terminated Black burst, Color bars
or Composite sync. We do not recommend connecting the output
of a video tape transport.
The AI-2 video in connector can also be used as a video output if
the TimeLine Video Sync Generator card (VSG) is fitted inside the
AI-2. The VSG, can be used to generate composite sync at black
level, which is locked to the ADAT system reference. This ability is
extremely useful when a video deck needs to be locked to an ADAT
system and for some reason it is not possible to lock the entire
system to external video sync.