AI-2 function control is provided by a switch matrix with six keys.
These keys are used to configure the AI-2 operational parameters,
and to permit the user to control basic functions and select one of a
number of available time code registers to display.
6.4A Normal Operation
In normal operation the keys have the following functions.
SETUP. Used to enter and exit setup mode, for configuring AI-2
options. The SETUP key operates as a toggle switch, press
once to enter setup and press again to leave.
SET/HOLD. Used to enter Set/Hold mode and also to freeze
the display for two seconds, permitting the user to view a time
code position. Pressing and releasing the key "captures" the
display, allowing the time code number to be modified using the
DOWN and UP keys. The SET/HOLD key is also used with the
STORE key to capture and load an offset in the AI-2. See
Set/Hold operation in the operational features section, for a
detailed description.
STORE. Used to confirm command settings, store time code
values that have been modified by the Set/Hold process and
view messages in the system error message stack. Also used
with the SET/HOLD key to capture and load an offset in the
AI-2. If held down on power up will cause the AI-2 to perform a
RAM clear operation and reset to default parameters.
DISPLAY. Used to scroll through the display time code register
options. Press the DISPLAY key to rotate around the AI-2 time
code, cue start time, tape start time, offset, position error and
reader input registers. Also used to cancel read or save data
commands that require STORE to confirm.
SAVE. Used to save AI-2 data to tape. At the end of a session
press the SAVE key to initiate a save to tape operation. The
AI-2 will write all data that has been previously read from tape