Input. Used to select the ADAT system speed reference
source. The default reference selection is determined by the
method of control selected in the control menu. If SONY editor
is selected the reference will default to external video. If Lynx is
selected the reference will default to Lynx and if time code
chase is selected the reference will default to reader in. Internal
variable can be selected when it is desired to run the ADAT
transports at a different pitch.
There are three reference settings provided, where external
word clock can be used as the system reference. The word
clock in each case is used to resolve the speed of the system
but the frame edge is derived from the video input, the Lynx
input or an internal frame reference. Care must be taken to
ensure that the word clock and the signal that the frame edge is
being taken from are synchronous, or synchronization problems
will occur.
Code. Used to select the system code rate and type. When a
video reference is selected the rate and type defaults to
29.97 Hz/30 in NTSC or 25 Hz/25 in PAL. The other combina-
tions available are 30 Hz/30, 30 Hz/DF, 29.97 Hz/DF and 24
Hz/24 film code.
Sample Rate. Used to select the ADAT transport sample rate.
The sample rate option defaults to the standard, 48.000K.
Sample rates of 48.048K, 47.952K, 44.144K, 44.100K, 44.056K
are also selectable to allow audio program material to be
originated at 44.100K or to pull up or down existing audio.
Variable. Used to set the ADAT speed when Internal Variable
is selected as the system reference. The display is adjustable in
cents with a speed variation range of -300 to +100 cents. The
equivalent speed variation %, is calculated and simultaneously
shown in the display. To reset the pitch value to zero,
000/100.0%) press the DOWN and UP keys together.
Generator. Used to select the normal tape time code generator
output mode. The generator can be set to generate in play and
wind, in play only or not at all. The MTC generator will follow
the LTC generator mode selection.
Generator Still. Used to select the stationary code mode of the
tape time code generator output . If set to on, a stationary time
code number will be generated for two seconds when the ADAT
goes into stop.
VSG. Used to enable the TimeLine Video Sync Generator
(VSG) option card, if fitted. The VSG will generate a composite