The AI-2 sample rate and time code are derived from a variable
internal reference which is adjustable in one cent steps. The AI-2
displays the pitch variation in cents and an equivalent speed per-
centage read out. The range available at 48 KHz is from +100 to
-300 cents. The range at other sample rate frequencies will be
different, but consistent with the speed variation limits of the ADAT
transport. Internal variable can be used when the ADAT chain is
the master transport in a system and it is necessary, for production
reasons, to run off speed.
5.11F Reader Input
The AI-2 sample rate and time code are referenced to the LTC
signal present at the reader input. The AI-2 will filter out minor
speed inconsistencies in the time code, but will track speed
variation over time.
The AI-2 generates the digital audio sample rate clock for the ADAT
transports. The AI-2 defaults to a sample rate of 48.000 KHz, five
other sample rate options are available. The music CD rate of
44.100 KHz and 0.1% pull up and pull down rates for both 48 K and
44.1 K.
When any rate except 48.000 KHz is selected the red Non Std LED
will come on solid as a warning. In normal operation the current
sample rate is displayed on the top line of the display. The sample
rate is set in the AI-2 reference menu.
The four 0.1% pull up and pull down options are provided to allow
audio program material that was transferred at an incorrect sample
rate to be corrected.