securityProbe 5ESV Manual
Updated until firmware 404m
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FAQ & Trouble Shooting
I cannot see the temperature sensor displayed on summary page
I can not access my units web based interface
I have forgotten my units IP address
I have forgotten the password for my unit
Can I use DHCP to assign my units IP address?
How do I set up my routing table?
How can I change my administrator password?
What functions do different types of notifications provide?
Can I connect my unit via WiFi?
What is the heartbeat message?
Can I use the unit to make video conferencing calls?
14) My securityProbe
unit will not seem to boot up normally and the LED‟s are circling
around counter clockwise what should I do?
After I finished the firmware upgrade I don‟t see any sensors connected to my unit in
the web interface any longer. What could be the problem?
16) I just noticed this “Mega SPI Error” in my securityProbe‟s web interface. What is the
problem? How do I clear this?
17) I am seeing “Database Locked” errors entries in the syslog on my securityProbe unit,
what should I do?
18) My securityProbe unit keeps rebooting after I updated a firmware update failure.
What happened and what can I do?
19) I have some problems with securityProbe. The following things are not working:
When setting a virtual sensor online, the
„Configuration “button is missing (several
tested) The Restore Original Settings“ is not working Clear All User Data
and Restore Original Settings“ is not working
20) I am having problems with the unit but not sure what to do next?
21) On your specs it shows the same resolution on both HD and non HD camera‟s. What
is the difference?
22) What are the differences between the securityProbe 5E, the securityProbe 5ES and
the securityProbe 5ESV-X20 or X60?
23)How long can the new HD Digital cameras be extended?