securityProbe 5ESV Manual
Updated until firmware 404m
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A list of all extended ports will be shown. Each port will display any available expansion
units, these will be highlighted in green. Click the module to be taken to the sensor
settings page.
This will bring you to the page shown above, the extended port sensors page. On this
page you can change the name of the expansion module you can also disable it by
clicking on the Enable / Disable button.
Once you have clicked on the “Dual sensors” tab you will be directed to the familiar
looking notification thresholds page. From this page you can carry out various operations
as indicated in the sensor settings tutorials found on page 42.
Please consult the Expansion Units separate product manual for more specific
information such as the SNMP OID‟s for checking sensors connected, how to transferring
settings to additional units, setting up disconnect alerts etc.