Page 70
plus Version 2.20 - September 1998
A similar offset can be applied to the output of the timecode generator. Press the GENERATOR
softkey (F1/F2) on the TIMECODE RCV OFFSET page to goto the TIMECODE GEN OFFSET
If Time Generator is set to one of the Biphase options, an additional soft key appears :
Pressing BIPHASE GEN (F4/F5) accesses the Biphase generator settings page :
In this page, you can set certain parameters that affect the biphase generator. The parameters
Different pieces of bi-phase film equipment are capable of different
rewind and fast forward speeds. This parameter should be set to
allow for the connected machine’s maximum rewind/fast forward
speeds. The parameter can be set from 1-30 times normal play
speed. Please check your film equipment when setting this as in-
correct setting may result in damage to the equipment or to the film
or tape. Pressing Max (F1) moves the cursor to this field.
This allows you to set how long it will take for the connected equip-
ment to reach its maximum rewind or fast forward speed. The range
is 0-10 seconds. Please check your film equipment and ensure
that a sensible value is set here as damage to your film equipment
could result. Pressing Time (F2) moves the cursor to this field.
When the DD8 is acting as a biphase master, pressing RESYNC GEN will reset the DD8’s
biphase generator to zero and from then on, the film player will count the biphase pulses and all
sync will be relative to that start point.
To leave the BIPHASE GENERATOR page, press EXIT. You will return to the SYNC page.
Going back to SYNC page, pressing Gen (F3) moves the cursor to the Generate field.
Here, you may choose the type of timecode generate mode. The available options are:
OFF - This options turns off the DD8’s timecode generation.
ON - This selects that the DD8 will generate the timecode at the selected frame
rate at all times.