Page 24
plus Version 2.20 - September 1998
The DISK key allows access to the pages which are used for general disk management such as
renaming and deleting files, formatting disks, copying disks, etc..
The Disk management has some ‘intelligence’ of its own, so the action of this key depends on
the State of the DD8, and on the contents of the Project Disk.
If no project has been loaded, pressing the disk key will take you to the following screen:
On this screen, the ‘Drives’ field shows the SCSI IDs of all drives that have been detected.
0-6 ... there is a formatted disk drive on this ID
F ... there is an unformatted disk drive on this ID
T ... there is a SCSI Tape drive on this ID
- ... there is no drive recognised on this ID
Pressing the SCAN key (F1) will re-scan the SCSI bus for drives. This can be used to allow the
DD8 to detect an MO disk that is inserted into the drive after entering this page.
When a formatted project disk containing one or more projects is selected, pressing the SE-
LECT key (F5/F6) will take you to the LOAD PROJECT page. If the disk is formatted but does
not contain any projects, pressing this key will take you to the NEW PROJECT page allowing
you to create one. As well as disks created on other Akai DD-series products, the DD8 is also
able to recogise disks formatted on other systems including Apple Macintosh, Waveframe and
Timeline MMR-8.
If the selected project disk is not formatted for the DD8, the screen will change to show:
Pressing FORMAT DISK (F5/F6) will take you to the format page to initialise the disk.
Pressing the PROT key (F2) on the DISK SETUP page will take you to the WRITE PROTECT
When the WRITE PROTECT parameter is set to ON, the machine is prevented from writing any
data to disk. This can be used to designate a machine as a ‘player’ as when write protection is
enabled, all record and editing functions are prohibited. This is also useful as a safety feature
when working with drives that do not have their own write protection.