KUMO SDI Routers and Control Panels v4.7r1 36 www.aja.com
• Destination Lock – prevents any Source change for a Destination.
• Router Delegation Buttons – (RTR 1–RTR 4) enable immediate control of the
KUMO assigned to the button.
Figure 28. KUMO CP Function Buttons
LOCK Buttons (2)
RTR Buttons (4)
SALVO Buttons
(CP2 Only)
SHIFT Buttons (2)
Panel Lock
When you press the
button, it lights red and all panel functions
for this panel are disabled. All other KUMO devices on the network will function
Destination Lock
Press the
button to prevent any changes to the KUMO Destination
you are currently controlling (DEST button high tallied). The lock can be removed
from any other KUMO CP or browser interface on the network.
The locked Destination button and
buttons turn red on all panels
that are assigned to the KUMO you are controlling. You can select other
Destinations and apply the Destination Lock function to each. All locks will tally
red. To remove the lock, select the Destination and press
Locked Destinations are reported on the KUMO router’s browser HOME Screen
with a lock icon.
Figure 29. KUMO Router Home Screen Destination Buttons
Router Delegation Buttons (RTR 1 - 4)
Use the Router delegate buttons to connect to the specific router to be
You can assign the delegate buttons to any of up to four routers in your system.
To assign router/control panel delegation, access the HOME Screen for your
If network communications between a control panel and router fails, the
control panel's delegation button for that router will be colored pink. When
communications is restored the delegation button returns to its normal color.