Password did not match. Please try again.
Unsupported USB device. Device current limit to 500mA.
Unsupported USB device. Please insert USB-Flash disk only.
Unsupported remote command.
Unsupported remote command Parameter.
The specified parameter is not valid for this current mod, sweep or burst function.
The specified ARB location is not available.
Please insert USB-Flash disk and try again.
USB-Flash disk files limit to 1260
Please edit different file name as the current file already exist.
FATAL ERROR: Invalid waveform location.
FATAL ERROR: Invalid setup location.
Unsupported waveform file or the file may be corrupted, please wait.
Unsupported setup file or the file may be corrupted, please wait.
OUTPUT OVERLOAD ERROR. Output turned off for safety.
Unsupported command on the Webpage.
Unable to Recall instrument setup. The specified location is empty.
Test failed at address [VALUE]. Data written [VALUE]. Data read back [VALUE].
Modulation is not allowed for Noise.
Only PWM is allowed for Pulse or PWM is allowed only for Pulse.
Disconnect LAN/USB/GPIB cables and try again.
PWM invalid for PRBS. Turn Mod off to output PRBS.
Cannot add Noise to PRBS. Turn NoiseAdd off to output PRBS.
PRBS bit rate invalid. Limited by PRBS edge.
PRBS edge invalid. Upper limit 40us.
PRBS edge invalid. Lower limit [VALUE].
PRBS edge invalid. Limited by PRBS bit rate.
BPSK rate invalid. Upper limit 100kHz.
BPSK rate invalid. Lower limit 2mHz.
BPSK Phase invalid. Upper limit +360 degrees.
BPSK Phase invalid. Lower limit –360 degrees.
SUM modulation level invalid. Upper limit 100%.
SUM modulation level invalid. Lower limit 0%.
SUM modulation cannot be selected when output is Square.
SUM modulation cannot be selected when output is Pulse.
SUM modulation cannot be selected when output is PRBS.
SUM modulation invalid for Square. Turn Mod off to output Square.
SUM modulation invalid for Pulse. Turn Mod off to output Pulse.
SUM modulation invalid for PRBS. Turn Mod off to output PRBS.