Remote Commands Summary
clears status byte register of the interface
*ESE <nrf>
sets the standard event status enable register to the value of <nrf>
returns the value in the standard event status enable register in <nr1>
returns the value in the standard event status register in <nr1>
returns the instrument identification
returns IST local message as defined by IEEE Std. 488.2
returns the complete setup of the instrument as a binary data block
sets the Operation Complete bit (bit 0) in the standard event status
returns always 1 to indicate the completion of sequential execution of
*PRE <nrf>
sets the parallel poll enable register to the value <nrf>
returns the value in the parallel poll enable register in <nr1> numeric
*RCL <nrf>
recalls the instrument setup contained in store <nrf>
resets the instrument parameters to their default values
*SAV <nrf>
saves the complete instrument setup to the setup-file named <nrf>
*SRE <nrf>
sets the service request enable register to <nrf>
returns the value of the service request enable register in <nr1>
numeric format
returns the value of the status byte register in <nr1> numeric format
this command is the same as pressing the TRIGGER key
the generator has no self-test capability and the response is always
waits for operation complete and executed before the next is started
returns the instruments address
sends signal to align zero phase reference of both channels
AMPL <nrf>
sets the amplitude to <nrf> in the units as specified by the AMPUNIT
set amplitude coupling to <ON> or <OFF>
sets the amplitude range to <AUTO> or <HOLD>
sets the amplitude units to <VPP>, <VRMS> or <DBM>
ARB1 <bin>
loads the binary-data to an existing arbitrary waveform memory
location ARB1
loads the binary-data to an existing arbitrary waveform memory
location ARB2
ARB3 <bin>
loads the binary-data to an existing arbitrary waveform memory
location ARB3
ARB4 <bin>
loads the binary-data to an existing arbitrary waveform memory
location ARB1
returns the binary-data from an existing arbitrary waveform memory l
ocation ARB1