Buying Die Plates
What and how to order
Below is an example of the information that will be required by your die maker when ordering a die.
The example is of a 3 high by 2 across 4” x 3” rectangle, 0.125” corner radius, 0.125” gap, 3mm distance
between cuts and top and bottom edges. It is advisable to supply a sample of the material to be used
with your order if you do not have specifics on the label material.
You will see from this example that the following are required when ordering a die:
Label size
Number across and around
Gaps between labels across and around
Corner radius
Specifics of the media to be cut or
supply a sample
Detailed layout you require
Base plate size you require
Web direction
Magnetic cylinder circumference (15”)
Type of machine being used (DLP-2100)
Important: The following information should be used as a guide only. Please consult
your die maker for their specific requirements.