4.9 Digital Alarm Communicator - Interfacing to a D9068P and D9068E (DACT)
There are two (2) ways to interface an AX-CTL-1L, AX-CTL-2 or AX-CTL-4 intelligent fire alarm control panel’s AX-
CTL base card to a Bosch D9068 Digital Alarm Communicator for Central Station connection. The first method is
simply dry contact input point monitoring (D9068E) for alarm, trouble, supervisory and if required low battery. The
second method is via serial communications with the AX-CTL base card (D9068P). The serial communications
method (D9068P) allows for device reporting (Contact-ID by point), Network node and zone reporting (Contact-ID)
and zone and device reporting (SIA-300). Refer to D9068P installation and operation manual for detailed DACT
programming information.
When monitoring the AX-CTL-1L, AX-CTL-2 or AX-CTL-4 intelligent fire alarm control panel via simple dry contacts,
the D9068E DACT can be mounted either within the enclosure or within its own enclosure that the D9068 is shipped
When monitoring the AX-CTL-1L, AX-CTL-2 or AX-CTL-4 intelligent fire alarm control panel serial communications,
the D9068P is mounted within the in the enclosure on its side wall (see figure 31).
4.9.1 D9068P Serial Communications DACT Interfacing
When the D9068P serial communications DACT is used with the AX-CTL-1L, AX-CTL-2 or AX-CTL-4 intelligent fire
alarm control panel’s AX-CTL base card an Advanced AX-SEB serial expansion board is required. The AX-SEB
serial expansion board plugs into the AX-CTL base card serial expansion port and provides RS-232
communications and power to the D9068P. The AX-CTL base card serial expansion port shares the same
processor access as the USB programming port and RS-232 printer output terminals. When utilizing the AX-SEB
serial expansion board, the AX-CTL base card USB port and RS-232 printer output terminals are inoperable. The
AX-SEB serial expansion board has a jumper that allows for the disconnection of communications with the D9068P
so that the AX-CTL base card can be programmed or integrated with the Advanced’ service tool.
Note: When not programming the AX-CTL base card, the AX-SEB jumper must be set in the DACT “ON”
position. When programming the AX-CTL via USB port or RS-232 printer output terminals the jumper must
be placed in the DACT “OFF” position and upon completion of programming returned to the DACT “ON”
In order for the D9068P to function correctly via the AX-CTL base card serial expansion board, the AX-CTL base
card must be configured for the correct D9068P DACT communications protocol (Contact-ID by Point, Contact-ID or
Note: All D9068P DACT programming (i.e. communications protocol, primary and secondary phone
numbers, etc.) must be done with a DACT-PRG (Bosch – FMR-DACT-KEYPAD) programming LCD and
keypad. To program the D9068P the DACT-PRG LCD keypad must be plugged into the AX-SEB serial
expansion board (see figure 32).