The proxy has three views. To cycle through the views, click the proxy. The views are as
Standard view:
Displays the spatial relationship between the current print settings and the
current media (paper) size. It answers the question “What is the page position relative to the
media?” It accounts for all options in the Print dialog box that affect the print area require-
ments of a job, including but not limited to slug area, bleed area, tiling, thumbnails, and
scaling. The bleed area is shown in red and the slug area is shown in blue; purple is where
they overlap.
Text view.
Presents the proxy data as text.
Custom page or cut sheet view:
Displays the spatial relationship between the selected media
(paper) size to the paper transport system, including the printable area. It answers the
question “What is the media position relative to the device’s paper transport system?” Also
displays indicators for the color output mode and the relationship to the paper transport
system. This view displays the effects of the Offset, Gap, and Transverse settings on the
media size in relation to the full width of the media; these options are only available when a
custom page size is selected.