Handling alerts about missing or mismatched color profiles
When you open a file, InDesign may present an alert saying that a file’s color profile is miss-
ing or doesn’t match the current working space. The correct action depends on how your
shop handles color management. Decisions are easier if color management settings have
been standardized at your shop (even if your shop doesn’t use color management, in which
case the standard is to turn it off).
Preve nt i ng p r o f i l e me ss age s i n a non - co l or - manage d work f l ow
If your shop doesn’t operate a color-managed workflow and you see profile mismatch mes-
sages while opening a file, click Cancel to stop opening the file, and then prevent any further
profile messages from appearing by turning off color management. When color management
is off, color values in files you open (such as customer files) aren’t altered.
To turn off color management:
1. In InDesign, close all documents.
2. Choose Edit > Color Settings.