Copyright © Acronis, Inc., 2000-2010
Built-in groups cannot be deleted, moved to other groups or manually modified. Custom groups
cannot be created within built-in groups. There is no way to remove a physical machine from the
built-in group except for removing the machine from the management server. Virtual machines are
removed as a result of their host server removal.
A backup policy (p. 410) can be applied to a built-in group.
Centralized backup plan
A backup plan (p. 410) that appears on the managed machine (p. 417) as a result of deploying a
backup policy (p. 410) from the management server (p. 418). Such plan can be modified only by
editing the backup policy.
Centralized management
Management of the Acronis Backup & Recovery 10 infrastructure through a central management unit
known as Acronis Backup & Recovery 10 Management Server (p. 418). The centralized management
operations include:
creating, applying and managing backup policies (p. 410)
creating and managing static (p. 419) and dynamic groups (p. 415) of machines (p. 417)
managing the tasks (p. 420) existing on the machines
creating and managing centralized vaults (p. 412) for storing archives
managing storage nodes (p. 419)
monitoring activities of the Acronis Backup & Recovery 10 components, viewing the centralized
log and more.
Centralized task
A task (p. 420) belonging to a centralized backup plan (p. 412). Such task appears on the managed
machine (p. 417) as a result of deploying a backup policy (p. 410) from the management server (p.
418) and can be modified only by editing the backup policy.
Centralized vault
A networked location allotted by the management server (p. 418) administrator to serve as storage
for the backup archives (p. 409). A centralized vault can be managed by a storage node (p. 419) or be
unmanaged. The total number and size of archives stored in a centralized vault are limited by the
storage size only.
As soon as the management server administrator creates a centralized vault, the vault name and
path to the vault are distributed to all machines registered (p. 419) on the server. The shortcut to the
vault appears on the machines in the Centralized vaults list. Any backup plan (p. 410) existing on the
machines, including local plans, can use the centralized vault.
On a machine that is not registered on the management server, a user having the privilege to back up
to the centralized vault can do so by specifying the full path to the vault. If the vault is managed, the
user's archives will be managed by the storage node as well as other archives stored in the vault.