Copyright © Acronis, Inc., 2000-2010
Access credentials for destination
Specify credentials required for access to the location where the resulting archive will be stored. The
user whose name is specified will be considered as the archive owner.
To specify credentials
Select one of the following:
Use the task credentials
The program will access the location using the credentials of the task account specified in the
General section.
Use the following credentials
The program will access the location using the credentials you specify. Use this option if the
task account does not have access permissions to the location. You might need to provide
special credentials for a network share or a storage node vault.
User name. When entering the name of an Active Directory user account, be sure to also
specify the domain name (DOMAIN\Username or Username@domain)
Password. The password for the account.
Click OK.
According to the original FTP specification, credentials required for access to FTP servers are transferred
through a network as plaintext. This means that the user name and password can be intercepted by an
eavesdropper using a packet sniffer.
Acronis Secure Zone
Acronis Secure Zone is a secure partition that enables keeping backup archives on a managed
machine disk space and therefore recovery of a disk to the same disk where the backup resides.
Certain Windows applications, such as Acronis disk management tools, can access the zone.
To learn more about the advantages and limitations of the Acronis Secure Zone, see the Acronis
Secure Zone (p. 55) topic in the "Proprietary Acronis technologies" section.
Creating Acronis Secure Zone
You can create Acronis Secure Zone while the operating system is running or using bootable media.
To create Acronis Secure Zone, perform the following steps.
Disk (p. 266)
Choose a hard disk (if several) on which to create the zone. Acronis Secure Zone is created
using unallocated space, if available, or at the expense of the volume's free space.
Size (p. 266)
Specify the exact size of the zone. Moving or resizing of locked volumes, such as the volume
containing the currently active operating system, requires a reboot.
Password (p. 266)