IP482 Industrial I/O Pack User’s Manual Counter Timer Module
Acromag, Inc. Tel:248-295-0310 Fax:248-624-9234 Email:[email protected] http://www.acromag.com
The IP482 is non-isolated between the logic and field I/O grounds since
output common is electrically connected to the IP module ground.
Consequently, the field I/O connections are not isolated from the carrier
board and backplane. Two ounce copper ground plane foil has been
employed in the design of this model to help minimize the effects of ground
bounce, impedance drops, and switching transients. However, care should
be taken in designing installations without isolation to avoid noise pickup
and ground loops caused by multiple ground connections.
To minimize high levels of EMI the signal ground connection at the field
I/O port (pin 50) should be used to provide a path for induced common-
mode noise and currents. The ground path provides a low-impedance path
to reduce emissions.
I/O Noise and Grounding