SGM3000 Series Smart Meters
User Manual
2.8 Meter Security
The SGM3000 Series meters employ advanced physical and electronic security. The meters
require a password to be provided for local access via the optical port or for remote access via
the AMI interface.
The meter password is comprised of a combination of 8 numbers and/or letters. There are 4
levels of password access, each with an individual password. The highest level password will
provide administrator level access. Administrator level access will permit full configuration of
the meter, including setting the passwords for all access levels. For the three lower access
levels, only the passwords for the logged in access level can be changed.
The administrator level has the highest exposed functionality; the lowest access level will have
the least functionality exposed. The meter will generate an event when a password is changed.
The password change event is classified as a critical priority event by default. The password
change event includes the access level for which the password was changed but will not keep
record of the passwords for security reasons. The meter will send a notification message via the
AMI signal.
The SGM3000 Series meters support the disabling of local and remote access functionality if a
configurable number of successive incorrect passwords are entered.
The meters will prevent access for a defined period of time if the number of successive
incorrect logins exceeds a defined limit. The meters support the setting of the number of
incorrect logins entered in login attempts. The meters will generate an event log entry when
electronic access is prevented due to excessive failed logins. The event is classified as a critical
priority event by default.
Meter Cover
The SGM3000 Series meters have a meter cover made of thermally stable plastic material on
the front of the meter. The plastic material is UV protected. The clear window on the meter
cover will provide visibility to display, LED indicators, and labels through the meter cover.
When a meter is fully installed, the meter cover will not be removable while the terminal is still
fitted to the meter.
The SGM3000 Series meter cover assembly has a mechanism to detect when the meter cover
has been physically removed from the meter. Meter Cover Screws and Seals
The meter cover is affixed to the housing and supports physical seals, typically mandated as
wires thread through the fixing screws. The meter cover is affixed to the housing using two
screws. The meter cover provides a recessed hole to support a screw head assembly, which can
accommodate a 2 mm diameter thread wire or plastic seal. The sealing wire is crimped close to
the body of the meter using a tool with die indents.