SGM3000 Series Smart Meters
User Manual
The meter will overwrite the oldest load profile data first in the event that all memory allocated
to load profiling is consumed. The meter will generate a memory full event for the first time
data is overwritten without subsequent intervention to free up memory. The memory full event
is classified as a critical priority event by default. The meter will send a notification message via
the AMI signal.
Time of Use Storage
The SGM3000 Series meters support Time of Use (TOU) metering.
The meters support multiple TOU registers, daily time periods, day types, seasons, and holiday
definitions and separate time of use registers and configuration options for each element of a
multi-element electricity meter.
The meters support separate time of use registers and configuration options for water
consumption and gas consumption received via the home area network (HAN).
Number of Rates
The SGM3000 Series meters support 10 different Time of Use (TOU) rates.
The meter supports provision of the summation of all TOU rates. The summation of all TOU
registers will be provided in addition to the TOU rates.
The meter will display the price for energy accumulated in each TOU rate. To set the price for
an individual rate, the user must provide the start date and time and price for the rate.
The meter will generate a price change event when a TOU rate is changed. The price change
event is classified as a normal priority event by default. The event will include the changed rate,
the old price and new price. The meter will send a notification message via the AMI signal.
Daily Time Periods
The SGM3000 Series meters support the definition of multiple daily time periods (switch points)
for which different TOU rates will apply. The functionality will support definition of a minimum
of 8 time periods per day.
Calendar Definition
The SGM3000 Series meters support definition of various days in the calendar to be used for
TOU operation and relay management. Selectable definition of calendar elements for use on
TOU application and any other appropriate date related functions are as follows:
Multiple day types with assigned switch points for which different TOU rates will apply
A minimum of 4 day types
The day types separately for each defined season
Each day of the week will be able to be assigned one of the day types for controlling tariff