Bus Motion Detector
Undertake the circuit, type or area assignment in the submenu.
Typ-XIB Det.
If a circuit is assigned twice with a motion detector or the max./min. number
of circuits (Cct > 80 or Cct < 1) is achieved, an error message is shown on
the keypad:
XIB Det. in use
13.5.1 Teaching-in further
There are
possibilities for teaching-in further detectors.
1. Automatic
1. Automatic addressing
Automatic addressing or assignment of the circuits mean that the detectors
connected to the XIB bus are automatically contacted and addressed
successively. For addressing of the detector, the cover of the enclosure
must be closed and the screw tightened. The assignment of the circuit is
automatically counted up or down from the first address of the manually
teached-in detector, depending on the type of parameterisation. The red
LED of the detector indicates by flashing ten times that the detector has
been teached-in successfully.
Activate automatic addressing:
Select the function “
1=Auto Add
” in the submenu.
1=Auto Add
2=Add XIB Det.
Select automatic counting for addressing.
2. Manual
2. Manual addressing
Manual addressing is undertaken as described in the description
“Teaching-in first circuit”
After teaching-in a circuit,
the menu “XIB
Det.” is expanded by two further submenus.
Expanded submenu after teaching-in a detector:
1=Auto Add
2=Add XIB Det.
3=Edit XIB Det.
4=Del XIB Det.