Error Messages
There is only one transceiver on the board. This selection cannot
be changed.
Unable to configure boot PROM base address at line x in the
configuration file. The boot PROM is disabled.
Unable to configure boot PROM base address. The boot PROM
is disabled.
Unable to configure Link Beat at line x in the configuration file.
The on-board TP transceiver must be selected to configure this
Unable to configure Link Beat. The on-board TP transceiver
must be selected to configure this option.
Unable to locate an unused interrupt request level. Try starting
the computer from a standard DOS diskette with no drivers or
TSRs, and run the Configuration and Diagnostic Program again.
Unable to locate an unused I/O base address. Try the following:
1. Boot the computer from a standard DOS diskette with no
drivers or TSRs.
2. Re-seat the EtherLink III into the slot.
3. Don’t use PC Turbo for Fast mode.
Unable to locate the echo server. The request to locate has timed
out. Make sure you have set up a second 3Com node as an echo
server, and it is set up properly.