Typical system arrangement
The MX10 is the central unit of the ZIMO digital multi-
train control, in other words, the “digital central” or
in ZIMO’s name-giving tradition, the “central command station”. According to NMRA-terminology, it is a
mixture of “Command control station” and “Power station”.
The central command station provides a stable, short circuit proof, running voltage on both track outputs
and via these, the command station transmits controlling information for the loco decoders and accesso-
ry decoders, in DCC format
and/or (in future) in MOTOROLA format (which addresses the factory-
mounted decoders in Märklin vehicles).
(Digital Command Control): The data format, originally standardised by the NMRA (National Model Railroad
Association), and si
nce 2010 further specified by the European manufacturer association VHDM (“RailCommunity”), is
now used by the digital systems and decoders “Digital Plus” (Lenz), ROCO-digital, LGB multi-train control (Massoth),
Digitrax, ESU, Uhlenbrock and others.
The MX
10 is connected to other devices of ZIMO’s product range via CAN cables. This means input
devices, also called controllers (MX31, MX32), stationary equipment modules or accessory and track
section modules (MX7; MX8 (addr.:801-863); MX9 (addr.:901-963), equipped with the current software
version and setting in the MX10: “CAN1 ZIMO MX8/9” in “Bus- Monitor”).
The usual minimum setup of a ZIMO digital control is as follows:
The controllers MX32 and MX32FU (tethered) can be connected to the front and the rear CAN socket of
the MX10. Due to the fact that the two CAN sockets are connected internally, and therefore is the ZIMO
CAN 1, you can connect two controllers at the same time - one in the front and one in the back. Exam-
ple: you can permanently connect the tethered controllers MX32 to the back of the MX10, meanwhile
the CAN socket in the front is used to connect the MX32FU when charging it.
This is a more comprehensive setup with “new” ZIMO products only:
Radio controllers MX32FU can be used with
but also tethered. The current digital command station
MX10 does not need an additional radio module, because - contrarily to older ZIMO systems - it is al-
ready built-in.
Alternate minimum setup of a ZIMO digital control: Central command station MX10 with Roco Multi-
Roco MultiMAUS or also the Roco Z21 App as initial equipment are a cost-efficient alternative to the con-
troller MX32. Additionally, a combination like this may also be used, when the Roco central station Z21,
which was used up until now, is replaced by a ZIMO MX10 central station. This is usually the case, if you
need MX10’s better performance or other characteristics as HLU.
The tethered (red) MultiMAUS is connected with
the corresponding cable to the XNET socket on
the MX10 (front).
Regarding radio contact with the (black) WIFI Multi-
MAUS: see chapter “Roco Z21 App, ...”.
You can also connect Roco
Z21 detectors (track occupan-
cy sensors) to the MX10. At-
tention: these are programma-
ble with address “5” or higher.